University Institutional Accreditation


Accreditation is an independent external evaluation process that assesses the quality of services in order to encourage improved performance of an institute against pre-established and recognized standards, which aims to demonstrate its competence to carry out specific tasks. A robust accreditation – both for universities and hospitals (academic institutions and health care systems) – has three main components: an accreditation body, competence surveyors, and a package of standards; the combination of which make the system effectively guarantee the quality and safety of their performance towards meeting goals. RADA has a full package of accreditation services and counseling strategies for different types of health care facilities and higher educational institutes. Accreditation standards in both health care facilities and higher educational institutes are traditionally set at what are considered optimal achievable levels.

University Accreditation

Accreditation in higher education is defined as the assessment of public accountability and improvement of academic quality and performance. An accreditation process evaluates / assesses the quality of an entire institution (Institutional Accreditation) or academic program (Program Accreditation) while assisting the institute, faculty and staff in improving the performance and assuring the quality of their services.

Institutional Accreditation

Institutional Accreditation focuses on the institution as a whole, assessing its ability to manage the development and delivery of quality programs throughout the institute. It signifies that an institution meets pre-established standards for educational quality. This comprehensive evaluation covers the institution’s academic, administrative, and physical facilities’ effectiveness, with specific attention to its quality assurance system, policies, strategies, processes, and practices, and their impact on the quality of all programs offered by the institution.

To obtain and maintain institutional accreditation, an institution must adhere to the standards and measures outlined in the institutional accreditation guidelines, which may vary slightly from one institution to another. Common areas of evaluation encompass premises and facilities, staff resources, teaching and learning, safety and quality assurance, students and graduates, qualifications, enhancement, and compliance with local, national, and international regulatory authorities. Specific pre-defined standards in higher education are applicable in each of these areas, and universities and higher education institutions are expected to meet these standards. Different accreditation bodies may have varying areas of accreditation and standards/indicators.

At RADA International, we’ve established a comprehensive set of criteria and standards/indicators. These standards are reviewed, adapted, and customized by our professional team to meet the specific needs of universities. RADA has developed its own brand of criteria and standards, which comprehensively cover the evolving needs of universities, considering the most recent global changes and technological considerations. We provide a full package of standards and measures tailored to the specific context of higher education systems, making our standards one of the most complete packages in the world.

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